Thursday, June 25, 2009

Knock Shrine- we prayed for you.

Went to Knock to see the Shrine. As luck would have it we were able to attend a mass at the Shrine and received a blessing to boot!

Back in to Galway city proper where it was crazy! Small street,loads of people...I'm saying FUN! Mare is saying get me out of here I feel claustrophobic!

Took a tour of the city via bus, some shopping, had fish and chips over looking Eyre park.

Did you realize that Claddagh was it's own country that has King and everything?
Small little area near Salthill.


  1. Love the pictures;it looks amazingly beautiful. What about the people any good connections or stories yet. Good looking lads/lassies?

  2. Don't they always automatically look better when they have an Irish accent? ;c)
