In Limerick late yesterday, I found a small treasure for Mare in a religious bookstore...Our Lady of Perpetual Help Car freshener with a motorist prayer on the backside! Since she has been exhausted everyday from dealing with my driving, I thought an extra prayer card would not hurt. We had a good laugh!
Actually, every time we start out I say my Guardian Angel prayer and the mantra for the trip: Go to the left, stay to the left"
We have a more typical day in Ireland with the weather, misty and cloudy, coming into Tipperary, you could hardly see the car in front for a while. This is not a good thing on twisty roads. Even though, it did not feel like a long way there ;-). (did ye get that one now?)
All praise to Pat Ryan told us to take the road outside Tipperary - a new motorway ..M8...we had not heard of a M road before??? ....it was a real freeway where you could actually see right and left and drive at 120K/hr...this almost felt wrong.Too fast and too open. Ah it was lovely!!! I told Mare I was doing a jig in my head and clicking my heels.
We arrived back on the farm where everyone took their turn in looking for "tips" in the car. Not a ding or a "tip" that was not there before hand! A wonderful tea was prepared by Colette....then on to bring the car back. The people at the car rental did the same dance around the car looking for "tips" as well.
A wonderful feast for dinner , a picture show of the trip and then on to stories of ghosts and spirits.
Farm update: the lamb is back among her own, no longer in sick bay. The broccoli survived, but it is too wet to plant again tomorrow. The vet is coming for TB testing. We have not big plans... just getting ready to come home. Since two planes have crashed into the ocean lately, we might be looking for prayer cards for planes.
The Litany of Saints should be helpful.