Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Farm Day in Ireland

We spent today on the farm. After breakfast, Mary Keniry came down to help out with the broccoli planting. Mick drove the tractor while Cathy, Mary & I sat in the back feeding seedlings through the wheel that dropped the plants into the soil. It only took about 2 hours to complete the task of planting this section of the field for the day. Mick saying for the planting: " a fish with no bones and a field with no stones are no good". Then on to laundry that we hung outside in the sun shine and fresh Irish air.

Mare and Colette worked on sewing projects for part of the day.

Mick and Cathy took me to the fields where they have their bullock cows (castrated males or males with no jewels as Mick said). The cows were quite interested and came very close to the yank that was visiting. They are very inquisitive. They followed us in herd back to the car. Shoot, the only time without a camera.

Mick saying in the field: a field without thistles is not worth buying.

Dinner: farm fresh green cabbage, fresh field potatoes, bacon (ham). Then farm fresh strawberries with cream fresh for desert. During dinner, Colette said to tell someone to go 'hop'.

Mare and Cathy negotiated the car rental. We drove down to Colbh to pick up the rental. Poor Cathy had to take both of us out for our initial drives to negotiate
the wrong side of the road. I white knuckled it all the way home. Mare drove down to the sea after supper so the 'darlings' (Mary's daughters) could go swimming in the sea. It was HOT today - probably about 80 degrees...very warm for Ireland.

When we got home from the sea,Colette gave us a nip of Irish Whiskey to calm the nerves. The sale of whiskey will probably go up in the next week with us on the road!

Tomorrow, we leave for Galway, God help us!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fun day on the farm: a little work and then a lot of food! It is hot in Minnesota, too -- 90 and humid. Good luck on your driving adventures! I'll say some prayers, sounds like you'll need 'em.
