Saturday, June 20, 2009

Day 2 Saturday- Arrive in Cork

As luck would have it with multiple connections we were late to each one, but amazingly,we were able to make each connection. Although Mare told me last October that she was going to be crabby once we reached Healthrow, she was not T.G. & was a trooper walking the MILES of corridors from one plane to another. If we would have had the pedometer-- for sure it would been 5000 steps or more.

Colette met us straight away at the airport and whisked us back to their home driving on the "wrong side" -made me sick to think we would be doing this in just a few days. (Please pray to St. Christopher or any other favorite saints, do they have one for race care drivers or the insane?) Once off the major roads, it was almost magical to see the tree canopied lanes with wild flowers all about. Loads of wild yarrow and floxglove are in bloom right now.

We arrive at the Kinary's --and it is perfect. The very image of what I was expecting to see. A wall lined farmhome- dark cermet colored with a barn attached. Wellies are near the door! ...(now I just need to find the Kevin Kelly to go in them).

Mick has not changed a bit- just white haired now. Very handsome for 90 years old...and still has that Irish sense of humor!

Mick: there is a new law in Ireland now for a woman marrying an Irish Farmer...she can walk down the isle with only a bouquet of flowers and then married go back down owning half a farm! Apparently, the new laws do not recognize pre-nuptial agreements.

Mick and Colette were "discussing" how to take us to see the horse and new foal...I said to Mick, are you still trying to instruct her after all these years. A few minutes later...Colettes says.. .we've been married for 47 years & would have divorced long a go..but neither one of was wanted custody of the children! !
The dialect is very hard to catch on some of these country folks, makes Bob Dylan and Ozzie Ozborn look like great orators! (I wish there was a subtitle scroll,I am sure I am missing a lot of good stuff!)

Collette made a beautiful dinner: Potatoes with lime and coriander and cilantro; chicken and cauliflower with fresh peas from the garden.

A speed mass (35 minutes) tonight at 8 p.m. , then conversation around a small fire
in the living room. Very tired, long day and only an hour power nap.

Ask Mare about the toilet seat ! Mick could not stop laughing (secretly am very glad it wasn't me!)


  1. Hey!

    Its sounds BEAUTIFUL over there! And the dinner sounds delicious- kind of like our Paris chicken dinner.
    Whats the weather like over there? I can never tell from movies and shows.
    Good luck driving on those roads! I promise to pray to Saint Frances (patron saint of car drivers, thank you google!) if you pray that I actually pass my test next time? Deal?
    (and the other Yanishes)

    P.S. If you can figure out how to show pictures on the blog, that would be awesome =]

  2. 35 minute mass --- that sounds right up dad's alley! I'm glad to hear that you guys got over there okay after the rough weather. Let's hear about this mysterious toilet seat! And also about the Irish expressions -- hear any keepers?

  3. I'm living viacariously in Ireland. Cozy dinners and snappy conversation. And Theresa, I'm sure Kevin Kelly is around somewhere. When you find him let me know if he has a cute butt!
